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  • Why is my laser not turning on?
    Check the batteries. They may be in the wrong way or need replacing. Check the battery compartment for signs of damage and ensure that the compartment is clean and that the battery terminals are not bent.
  • Why does my laser keep switching off?
    Check the batteries. They may need replacing. Check the battery compartment for signs of damage and ensure that the compartment is clean and that the battery terminals are not bent.
  • Why is my laser not levelling off?
    The laser level may be outside its self levelling range and may require an adjustment before self-levelling can commence. The laser level may have impact damage.
  • Why can't I see the laser beam outdoors?
    In bright outdoor conditions the laser beam will be over powered by the strength of the sun. If you are working outdoors it is recommended to use a detector which will locate the position of the beam even when you can't see it with the naked eye. A detector may be included in your laser kit or be available to purchase separately.
  • What is the difference between red beam and green beam lasers?
    Whilst there is no difference in visibility between red and green beam outdoors, green beam lasers have improved visibility indoors. For this reason, green beam lasers are often popular for those using them for indoor applications. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of both red beam and green beam. RED BEAM Advantages: - Less expensive in comparison to green beam lasers - Longer battery life in comparison to green beam lasers Disadvantages: - Indoor visibility is diminished GREEN BEAM Advantages: - Improved visibility indoors Disadvantages: - More expensive in comparison to red beam lasers - Shorter battery life in comparison to red beam lasers - More care must be taken around class 3 green beam lasers due to increased eye sensitivity

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